Free Printable Calendar ~ October 2024 ~ Sweet Serenity

Hello again, friends! Another free printable calendar is now available to print, download, and share with others. We love free stuff!

The photo for October was taken on a beautifully calm evening near Brigus, Newfoundland. The setting sun, calm water, and calls of loons, brought us to a place of complete calm and relaxation. A place that seemed like another world! 

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to changes the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

Free Printable Calendar ~ October 2024 ~ Personal Use Only

Free Printable Calendar ~ October 2024 ~ Personal Use Only

Please remember, free printables are for personal use only! To open as a pdf, simply click the photo above. You can either download or print from there. No prob-lama! 

If you’re interested in more printables, here’s a couple of recently added freebies!
Free Printable Calendar ~ September 2024
2024 Year-at-a-Glance Free Printable Calendar
Free Reading List Printable & Digital Download

I hope you enjoy these free calendars and, as always, I’d love to see how you use them. Please leave comments and photos on my social media…let me know what you think! Until next time…

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